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Sensory Autumn Leaf Painting & Thankfulness


Updated: Sep 15, 2024

I hope you are starting to see the signs of Fall in your region. Our family took a long drive into the mountains this weekend and were able to capture the sights of the Aspen trees changing into different hues of gold, yellow, and orange.

God is an amazing creator that He not only gives us beauty around is in the form of beaches, mountains, landscapes, trees, and flowers, but He also allows to see variety in each of the seasons as the nature He created changes to grant us variety in creation that we are blessed to enjoy.

I have found that thankfulness can truly transform my attitude. The apostle Paul expressed thanksgiving more than any other attitude. One of the reasons that Paul challenges us to give thanks is because he knows that thanksgiving is an act that will change our outlook and bring God praise. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul taught us “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.”

As you create this Fall craft, encourage you children to come up with their own list of thankfulness. Create a list of things for which your children can be thankful and hang it near the final art projects you create below.

While your kids create, talk about the changing leaves and how thankful we can be that God gives us the different colors in season. Challenge each of your children to create a thankful list.

Supplies: Black card stock, sandwich size ziplock bags, paint, masking tape, leaf templates

  1. Start by downloading some leaf templates. You may want to print them directly onto black card stock, or you can print them on regular paper and trace the edges onto black paper.

  2. Cut out of leaf template from the middle of the law so that the outside frame is left intact.

  3. Squirt different colors of paint into your ziplock bags. You might want to use different quantities of fall colors - brown, green, yellow, red, orange. The more paint you add to the bag, the easier it will for the colors to mix.

  1. Squeeze out the extra air in the bag and zip it up. Tape the paint filled bag to a piece of white paper. Tape the frame for the leaf around the bag.

  2. Allow you kids to squish and move the pain around the bag to fill the leaf template with color.

  1. Explain to your child that each time they touch and move the paint, tit will slightly change the color combinations. Talk about the possibilities of combining primary colors to create colors - for example, red and yellow make orange. A combination of all of the colors creates brown.

Suggestions for a Gratitude List:

  1. Pumpkin pie, muffins, coffee, creamer

  2. Cooler weather

  3. Fall breezes

  4. Cozy blankets

  5. Changing leaves

  6. Crispy air

  7. Fresh apples

  8. Long walks

  9. Socks and slippers

  10. Cuddling

  11. Warm fires

  12. Rosy cheeks

  13. Pie

  14. Turkey

  15. Football

  16. Hot chocolate

  17. Pumpkin carving

  18. Pumpkin seeds

  19. Candles

  20. Fireplaces

  21. Warm fires

  22. Family

  23. Friends

  24. Health

  25. Freedom

  26. Hayrides

  27. Farm animals

  28. Apple cider

  29. Love

  30. Smiles

  31. The freedom to move and walk

  32. Cinnamon spice

  33. Seasons

  34. Gathering with family and friends

  35. Birthdays

  36. Photos

  37. Warm soup

  38. Groceries

  39. Music

  40. Dancing

  41. Dogs

  42. Cats

  43. Picnics

  44. Good books

  45. Adventures visiting new places

  46. Indoor plumbing

  47. Heat and air conditioning

  48. Safe shelter

  49. Warm beds

  50. Doctors

  51. Hospitals

  52. Parents

  53. Grandparents

  54. Warm baths or showers

  55. Stuffed-animals

  56. Toys

  57. Balls

  58. Outdoor play

  59. Bike rides

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