Speaking Topics
Beth has been speaking to women's audiences for 20 years. She obtained speaking certification with Speak Up Ministries run by professional speaker, Carol Kent, in 2023. She completes a Master of Theological Studies at Gateway Seminary in April 2024. She would welcome the opportunity to speak on other topics that aren't included in this list.

"Effective communicators know how to get their points across in a succinct way. Beth speaks clearly and succinctly. Her content was relevant to our group and sparked rich and thoughtful discussion for our group." S. Turner
"It has been an honor to hear Beth speak to our women's group several times. She is delightful and an interactive speaker who God uses to deliver his message. I highly recommend being a part of her audiences." C. Sessions
"Beth has spoken for the last four years to my mom's group. She is generous with her time and knowledge and always willing to help others. Her love for Jesus and others shines through when she speaks. Our members always left feeling encouraged and supported in their faith and military journey. I highly recommend Beth." J. Baker
"Our group lived Beth's presentation; she was engaging, fun, and practical. I'd highly recommend Beth for your next speaking engagement." C. Merkle
"Beth's passion for Jesus and her topic is clear in her presentations. She gives practical ideas about how to encourage children in faith. Her warm personality blessed the women in our group and made them feel supported. It's a pleasure to work with Beth." S. McCormack

Embracing Your Spouse’s Calling to Serve in the Military as a Joint Calling
Beth began her military marriage as a bitter, reluctant, and selfish
wife who hated most aspects of the military life. Regrettably, she
regularly made those feelings known to her husband, who was
serving on active duty. Beth explains how serving in uniform is
more than just a job but a special calling that someone feels is his or
her duty to fulfill. Through some of her own
hard-learned lessons, Beth will help transform the perspective of the spouse to see their role to serve the military as a joint calling to
serve the military. She will inspire the spouses to see that they too
can be on mission with God while they move around with the

Empowering a Woman to go from Surviving to Thriving
Using principles gleaned from the life of the biblical character, Sarah, Beth teaches three key principles to take a woman from just surviving to thrive:
1) Replace fear with faith;
2) Being hospitable instead of hostile; and
3) Resist being fierce with our husbands to enable them to flourish.

Discipleship: Key Components and Practical How-Tos
Using her years of experience discipling women with Cru (Campus Crusade), Beth teaches women that discipleship is commanded by Matthew 28. She teaches the women the key components of any discipleship relationship. She will provide practical guidance on how to get started in cultivating discipleship relationships that will empower women to make disciples. Participants will leave inspired that anyone can and should disciple according to Titus 2.

Christ-Centered Christmas
The most critical thing Beth instilled in her children was teaching
them to choose where to spend eternity. Beth tried to point her
children to Jesus every day but created especially meaning holidays centered around Christ. The gospel is what satisfied and gives true
joy, so it should not just be shared one time, but should be shared
regularly. Beth will inspire moms to move from empty traditions to memorable habits that will create anticipation, excitement, and true
joy while focusing on celebrating the entrance of the Savior into the
world. Beth will provide practical, easy-to-implement, and fun
suggestions for centering your families’ Christmas around our
Lord and Savior.

Christ-Centered Easter
As a way of centering your home on the significance of the substitutionary death of Jesus for believers, Beth will encourage her audience celebrate the season of Lent, which leads up to resurrection Sunday. However, instead of giving up something, she will encourage families to focus more on explaining the significance of Jesus’ resurrection and appreciating the suffering he endured. Beth will share ideas for fun-filled and meaningful ways to focus your family on the real meaning of Easter. Beth will inspire moms to communicate the enormity of the resurrection by intentionally celebrating it throughout the month before Easter.

Re-Thinking Thanksgiving
The well-known American Thanksgiving story excludes the essential
details that during their cold and starving winter, the first Thanks-
giving did not include the day of feasting but was a religious holiday
of fasting, repentance, and prayer. The citizens of the pilgrim
community were starving to death due to drought and too many
mouths to feed. The community came together to cry out to the
Lord for deliverance. The Lord answered that same evening by
miraculously pouring out rain, causing them to rejoice greatly.
Abraham Lincoln combined the religious holiday, and the harvest
festival celebrated many months after the rain and took the name “Thanksgiving” from what the Pilgrims had celebrated as their holy
day. Beth includes ideas for returning the focus to remembering
God’s graciousness and honoring the religious freedom that the
Pilgrims came to America for and ideas for practicing gratitude.